I love hummus. Recently I wanted some, but didn't have any cooked garbanzo beans. Rather make a trip to the grocery store, I decided to use the thing I had plenty of--delicious, cooked, really sweet butternut squash.
I looked up a few recipes online, and found that most people who make butternut squash hummus make it with the garbanzos, and the squash is a flavoring. Since I didn't have the beans, I took a deep breath and made it my way.
I tweaked my hummus recipe. Here's the result (adjust any of them to taste):
- 1 c roasted butternut squash, cubed
- 1/4 c tahini
- 3 cloves garlic, peeled
- 1 T lemon juice
- 1 T salt
- 1/4-1/2 c olive oil

Put all ingredients except olive oil in blender. Pulse a few times, then pour the olive oil through the hole in the blender lid. If the olive oil does not help it to complete blending, turn off the blender and stir with a spoon. Remove spoon, return lid, and try again. Blend until smooth.
It tasted great right after it was made, but the sweetness of the butternut squash was a little over-the-top. I put it on celery sticks. The next day, all the flavors had blended better, and I used it on spinach-rice fritters (recipe to come).
This "hummus" will definitely be on the snack table this Thanksgiving!